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Invitation to the public vote

Choose our sustainable packaging solutions!

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22 july 2024

Elektronische Abstimmung für ECEA 2024

Now it’s up to you!

We cordially invite you to take part in the public vote and to vote in favour of PAWI’s sustainable packaging solutions.

Two of our sustainable packaging solutions have been nominated for Pro Carton’s prestigious European Carton Excellence Award (ECEA): our round packaging for bottles and teats by Medela and our exquisite packaging for the Samarité care line. This is an impressive and unique achievement for our team!

Now it’s up to you! We cordially invite you to take part in the public vote and to vote in favour of PAWI’s sustainable packaging solutions.


How you can support us:

  1. Visit the ECEA website.
  2. Search for “Calma Products” and “Samarité”.
  3. Vote for both packaging solutions.


Voting is now open and ends on 23 August 2024. Thank you for your participation and support!


Please also spread the word!

Rundverpackungen für Flaschen und Sauger von Medela Exquisiten Verpackungen für die Samarité-Pflegelinie

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