PAWI Packaging Schweiz AG is switching to district heating from the Stadtwerke Wintherthur – an example of sustainable progress
Stadtwerke Winterthur has taken significant steps towards securing a sustainable energy supply throughout 2023 by installing high-performance district heating pipes on Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse in Winterthur, among other locations. PAWI Packaging Schweiz AG, part of the PAWI Group AG, took advantage of this progress and invested 330,000 CHF in the switch to environmentally friendly district heating from Stadtwerke Winterthur.

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Until now, PAWI Packaging Schweiz AG has used three large gas heating systems that had already been active for over a decade. The gas was used only to heat water and the office buildings. The decision to connect to the district heating system of Stadtwerke Winterthur in 2021 was a strategic measure based on its comprehensive sustainability strategy.
A switch to district heating from Stadtwerke Winterthur actively ensures environmental protection.

Edoardo Finotti Co-CEO of Operations
The investment of 330,000 CHF in this forward-looking conversion means that PAWI Packaging Schweiz AG will not need to make any additional investments in heating systems in the coming decades. In addition, there are no maintenance costs since no tanks, boilers, or exhaust systems (chimneys) are required. Thanks to district heating, the packaging manufacturer is also helping to save an impressive 141,282 kilograms of CO2 per year.
The safe hot water connection supports the deep-seated sustainability principles of PAWI Packaging Schweiz AG: The supplied hot water is ecological, locally produced, odourless and available around the clock and all year round based on a centralised control system from Stadtwerke Winterthur.
330,000 CHF
investing in sustainability
141,282 kg
CO2 reduction per year
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